Dalam sebuah organisasi, kolaborasi tim itu penting untuk mencapai hasil terbaik ketika menyelesaikan masalah yang rumit. Agar kolaborasi dapat berhasil, diharuskan untuk mengidentifikasi kapan dan bagaimana cara untuk berkolaborasi. Hal ini bisa dicapai dengan beradaptasi.
Mampu beradaptasi menunjukkan kesiapan dan kemampuan dari individu, kelompok atau pun organisasi untuk mengikuti perubahan yang terjadi.
Perkembangan industri saat ini berkembang sangat cepat sehingga sebagai seorang pekerja memiliki kemampuan beradaptasi yang baik merupakan bekal penting agar dapat bertahan dalam persaingan industri ini. Mampu beradaptasi dengan lingkungan yang proses kerjanya berubah-ubah akan membuat kita lebih tahan banting dalam dunia kerja.
Berikut ini merupakan cara mengembangkan kemampuan beradaptasi, yaitu:
- Menyadari akan adanya perubahan dalam lingkungan kerja
- Mengembangkan growth mindset
- Meningkatkan kemampuan problem solving
- Menentukan goals untuk diri sendiri
- Meminta feedback dari atasan/orang lain
- Menerima perubahan ketika hal tersebut terjadi
- Berpikir kritis ketika mencoba memahami perubahan yang terjadi
- Mendorong diri untuk keluar dari zona nyaman
- Fokus pada hal yang terjadi saat ini
McKinsey & Company juga mengangkat topik mengenai adaptability yang diibahas dalam sebuah artikel yang berjudul “The Great Attrition: The Power of Adaptability”. Dalam artikel tersebut dibahas mengenai beberapa hal adaptasi yang ada dalam lingkungan kerja. Mitra QR, mari kita simak pembahasan menarik ini, semoga bermanfaat!
The Great Attrition: The Power of Adaptability
Organizations must address the employee need for connection and well-being amid the Great Attrition. To do so, consider the power of adaptability.
If the pandemic has taught us anything, it’s that there is no “stop” button for change. Take the Great Attrition, for example. Employees are quitting at record rates and cite a lack of connection to the organization as a primary reason. Many feel increased burnout, grief, and exhaustion. Employees also report wanting to feel valued and treated as an individual, yet organizations are relying on transactional strategies to retain them.
Organizations must address this employee need for connection and well-being. One approach is building adaptability, the ability to learn flexibly and efficiently and to apply that knowledge across situations. Being adaptable boosts well-being, turns adversity into a learning opportunity, and helps create an environment where relationships can thrive.
Adaptability operates and drives results at four distinct levels:
- Individual. According to our research, the top two factors that became more important in the past six months to employees planning to leave their job were a need to restore work-life balance (65 percent) and being able to prioritize physical and emotional well-being again (63 percent). Adaptability can improve well-being and reduce burnout, primarily through the continuous adoption of adaptable mindsets and healthy habits under pressure. It fuels the consistent self-care necessary to deal with changing demands and cope with adversity.
- Interpersonal. Not feeling valued by one’s manager (52 percent) and not feeling a sense of belonging (51 percent) were two frequently cited reasons employees left a job in the past six months. Adaptability improves the ability to be vulnerable and empathetic with others, increasing the capacity to display compassionate leadership and turn difficult interpersonal situations into relationship-building opportunities. It helps us connect with others with greater authenticity—normalizing the importance of quality relationships at work and providing the skill set to strengthen them, especially in virtual settings.
- Team. One of the top five reasons that changed in importance over the past six months for individuals who chose to stay at a job was working with people who trust and care for one another (48 percent). Level of trust in and care for teammates contributes to the perception of psychological safety—reinforcing or weakening adaptability. The greater the psychological safety, the more quickly belonging, engagement, and ability to deal with stress can improve because people feel supported. Adaptability’s renewing effect on relationships can drive the creation of attractive team environments.
- Organizational. Fifty-four percent of employees said that not feeling valued by their organization was the top reason for leaving their previous job. Organizational adaptability serves as the ultimate reinforcer for all levels because it provides an overarching sense of identity and a distinctive culture for employees. It creates a cultural core that helps individuals thrive in ambiguity and uncertainty, giving them a sense of autonomy, belonging, and competence. An adaptability-building program reflects a people-first message and empowers individuals to improve their well-being and relationships at work.
Building adaptability begins with leaders dealing with change gracefully, despite the tendency to default to fear or familiar solutions. Leaders must bolster their own well-being and transform their relationship with change by building adaptability as an evergreen skill.
Our Great Attrition research suggests that employees are prioritizing relational aspects while leadership is focused on transactional elements. One solution to this dissonance is having key influencers across the organization—with more direct team impact—model adaptability. During large-scale change initiatives, reach and consistency of the change story impact the speed at which employees adopt and sustain new adaptable behaviors.
Additionally, personalizing a skill-building program to reflect employee developmental areas and broader skill gaps can boost effectiveness. Outside of capability building, other aspects—such as re-benchmarking compensation, reevaluating the operating model, and deploying formal employee-listening strategies—should happen simultaneously to reinforce new behaviors. Adaptability holds the key to equipping the workforce with skills to boost well-being and enrich relationships—turning the primary drivers of the Great Attrition into primary opportunities.