Organizational culture merupakan suatu kumpulan nilai dan praktik aktivitas kinerja yang berkolaborasi antar satu divisi dengan yang lainnya demi memenuhi harapan perusahaan. Semakin baik budaya organisasi dalam sebuah perusahaan, maka semakin mudah pula untuk meraih kesuksesan.
Umumnya, organizational culture terbentuk ketika perusahaan menemui masalah dan mulai belajar untuk mengatasinya. Oleh karena itu, organizational culture secara tidak langsung terbentuk dan berkembang melalui proses yang telah dihadapi.
Budaya organisasi yang kuat dan sehat dapat memberikan banyak manfaat bagi suatu organisasi atau perusahaan, yaitu:
- Peningkatan produktivitas
- Peningkatan kesehatan dan kesejahteraan pegawai
- Penurunan tingkat ketidakhadiran dan pergantian
- Peningkatan kepuasan pelanggan
- Tingkat inovasi yang lebih tinggi
- Peningkatan keterlibatan dan tingkat retensi pegawai
- Peningkatan tingkat komunikasi antara manajemen, pegawai dan pelanggan
Tantangan yang cukup berat dan dialami setiap organisasi atau perusahaan adalah ketika membentuk budaya yang diinginkan sehingga mendukung jalannya kehidupan organisasi. Ari Weinzweig & Zingerman membagi dua cara untuk membentuk budaya yang diinginkan, yaitu:
- Membangun kebudayaan dengan kesadaran dan tujuan yang direncanakan
- Membangun kebudayaan karena tidak sengaja dan hanya merencanakan seperlunya
Ari Weinzweig & Zingerman juga membagi 5 unsur utama dalam membangun organizational culture, yaitu: Teach it, Define it, Live it, Measure it, dan Reward it.
Selain itu, Alfra Lean Advisors juga membahas topik mengenai manfaat dari budaya organisasi yang kuat dan sehat, yang dijelaskan dalam sebuah artikel yang berjudul “7 Benefits of a Strong and Healthy Organization Culture”. Selamat membaca para Mitra QR! Semoga bermanfaat.
7 Benefits of a Strong and Healthy Organization Culture
What is organizational culture? Organizational culture is the shared values, beliefs, and practices of an organization. It’s how members of an organization view their work, their colleagues, and themselves. A strong and healthy organizational culture can provide many benefits to an organization including increased productivity, improved employees’ health and wellness, reduced absenteeism and turnover rates, increased customer satisfaction, higher levels of innovation, enhanced employee engagement and retention rates, improved communication levels with employees and customers alike.
Increased Productivity
A healthy organizational culture provides an environment where employees will be more productive. When people have a sense of belonging, they will feel empowered and their productivity levels improve. Employees are more likely to go the extra mile if they are invested in the company.
Improved Employees’ Health and Wellbeing
Employees are often overlooked when it comes to their well-being. They are generally the ones who spend the most time at work, but they are also the ones who benefit the most from a healthy organizational culture too. This can include everything from how many breaks they get to what they eat for lunch and more.
Generally, employees need to feel like their work matters and that they’re having a positive impact on their job. When an organization has strong values, beliefs, and practices in place, it will show in an employee’s work ethic and in their attitude towards the company. This can help improve employee health and wellness by making them feel more connected to their work.
Increased Customer Satisfaction
As customer satisfaction rises, so do the profits of your business. A strong organizational culture will lead to increased customer satisfaction. The reason behind this is that customers are likely to stay loyal to a company with a healthy culture and employees who are happy with their workplace.
Higher Levels of Innovation
Innovation is the creation of new ideas, processes, or products. When you have a workforce that is highly engaged and motivated, there are more opportunities for innovation to take place. Employees will be more collaborative in the workplace and this will lead to an environment that fosters creativity and innovation.
Reduced Absenteeism and Turnover Rates
A healthy organizational culture can make your employees happier, more engaged, and work harder. This means that they will be less likely to miss work or quit their jobs. If you want to save money in the long term and reduce turnover rates, then you need to create a strong, healthy organizational culture.
Enhanced Employee Engagement
When organizational culture is healthy and strong, employees are more engaged and will stay with the company longer. Organizations with healthy cultures have a higher retention rate among their top talent which helps the organization avoid high turnover rates, a major cost for many organizations.
Increased Communication Levels between Management, Employees, and Customers
A strong and healthy organizational culture can provide increased communication levels between management, employees, and customers.
A cultural shift within the organization to ‘one voice, one message’ ensures that employees understand the company’s mission and vision. This encourages collaboration among organizations and helps foster a sense of unity between the company’s values and its actions.
Organizational culture is an important aspect of modern business. It affects the way your employees work, how customers interact with your business and how your company functions internally. A culture that promotes productivity and innovation is a culture that will thrive. The benefits of a strong organizational culture are too many to list, but the most important one is likely the most obvious one. Employees. When people are happy in their jobs, they are more likely to stay on board, which means they are more likely to be engaged and productive. And when employees are happy, so are customers.